Indah Indriati

I work hard. I dream big. I love hard. I'm all in.


By 21.26

1SA01 - 15614264

I'm going to make an analysis about the advertisement of Thai Life Insurance -  "Silence of Love". The purpose of this assignment is to analyse the relation between life insurance and this advertisement.

In this add video, there is a young girl who lived with her deaf-mute dead. In this video, the child implies that she hopes to have a normal father like everyone else's. Father who can listen the things that she want to say, listen her hopes and her fears. Father who can talk to her and understand her.

As a teenager, she has not had a mature thought and her feeling is unstable. She often acted rude to her father, without know and understand what her father gave.
Her feelings grows worse on her birthday. She tried to suicide because she can not stand anymore by her pressure state. Whereas her father was waiting for her at the dinner table with a birthday cake. Her father was surprised to hear the noise from upstairs and found his daughter committed suicide by cutting her left hand.

Her father immediately took her to the hospital. He begs the doctor and the nurse to save his daughter's life, he says that they can take his money, his house, and his blood, and anything that can save his daughter's life. Finally, his daughter is save because he sacrifices himself.

This video shows how sincere love of a father to his daughter and how he wants his daughter to live a happy life, and he feels so sorry of being a disabled father for her. But he still would do the best for her. 

"There are no perfect fathers. But a father will always love perfectly. Remember to care those who care for you." -Thai Life Insurance.
The relation between life insurance and this advertisement is in the last words. The last words in this video reminds us that we must always keep our loved ones life and with the insurance we can guarantee their lives that always helped in any issues, like an accidents, and loss of work. Even if something bad happens such as death, the life insurance can help the family's finance and the family's life will be assured.

Thanks for reading^o^

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